Welcome to Urban Homesteading!

My name is Craig and this has turned into an unexpected passion project of mine. If you would have asked me even just a few years ago if I would be into gardening, food preservation, and urban homesteading, I would have given you a weird look and changed the topic. Nowadays, though, it’s become a core part of who I am.
It all started when my husband, John, wanted to grow some potatoes and squash to help cut down on the grocery bill and to give him a break in the day. (He’s self-employed and works from home, so it can be difficult to completely separate himself from work, but gardening lets him do that.)

In just a few short years, we ended up converting our entire property—which is not that big, mind you—into productive garden real estate. From there, we expanded onto our neighbour’s property; his back yard is all set-up for gardening but he’s not able to tend to it himself much anymore. Our current project is helping the neighbours on the other side build a garden in their yard.
With all this food John was growing, I needed to figure out what the heck to do with it all…and in that I discovered a passion for food preservation. You can read more about my food preservation journey here. You can read more about what urban homesteading means to me here.
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If you’d like to connect on social media, the best place would be my brand new Instagram account (@urbanhomesteadingca), as that’s where I post all of my food and garden photos.