Garden Update: February 2025

As I’m writing this, we are experiencing one of the coldest Februarys that I can remember. Normally at this time of year we’re having some warmer weather—and I remember this because there’s an annual winter festival right now that includes snow sculptures and I always worry about them melting. This year that’s not a concern.

The back yard garden covered in snow.

So it feels odd…that I’m preparing our seed order and am in the early stages of garden planning.

Buying seeds for the garden

When we first started this urban homesteading adventure years ago, we just went to the hardware store and snapped up any seed packets that looked interesting.

Now, though, it’s a careful process.

We receive two seed catalogues in the mail that we order from, I’m eyeing a website I’m going to try ordering from, and after we do all that we still sometimes pick up random packets at the hardware store.

Two seed catalogues.

So what is the point of so many sources?

Two things—selection and price.

The catalogues tend to have much greater selection that what we find in our typical hardware store or greenhouse, so they’re my default go-to. Between the catalogues there are sometimes differences in selection—only one offers popcorn and only one offers black beans. And the prices vary between the two catalogues I use, with one of them usually tending to be cheaper.

This year with the website I’m adding to the mix, that’s again due to selection. They have watermelon seeds designed for our climate—and we find watermelon difficult to grow here.

I’ll put our full garden list at the end of this post.

Planning for a year of food

When taking in the challenge of urban homesteading—the challenge of providing for yourself as much as you can—planning a garden can be quite a daunting task.

Frozen food in a chest freezer.

It involves some guesswork, but it also leaves a lot up to chance beyond your control. For example, do we need six chamomile plants or twelve? We had three last year that have given us a good six months of tea, so theoretically six plants would be what we need. But if it’s a bad year for chamomile flowers or it’s a variety that doesn’t bloom as much, six plants might only give us a small amount for tea.

Hot peppers were like that, but in reverse. The first year we grew hot peppers we maybe had a dozen plants and we got very few peppers. The following year we doubled the number of hot pepper plants, but that was also a very good year for hot peppers, with each plant giving us at least double what comparable plants gave us the previous year. In effect, we’d wanted to double our yield but ended up quadrupling it.

The economy of urban homesteading

Going through all this effort of growing and preserving all our own food is a Herculean task sometimes. The planting, maintaining, harvesting, and processing / preserving is sometimes more than the two of us can manage on our own. It’s also not cheap to buy all the seeds and seedlings we need.

But it’s worth it in the end.

There’s of course the satisfaction of knowing this was something we did ourselves. There’s also the satisfaction of knowing what’s in our food. While we don’t have a mistrust of the food industry and aren’t concerned about deceptive practices, we do like being able to control what goes in what we eat. This means less salt in our pasta sauce, it means higher quality tomatoes in our tomato juice, it means richer tasting beets in our pickled beets, and it means customizing recipes to produce exactly what we want.

But there’s also the savings of it all. While, yes, seeds and seedlings often cost in the range of $400-$600, we easily result in $1,500 in produce value. And that’s using numbers I collected years ago, and doesn’t reflect the skyrocketing prices of fruits and veggies in recent years. It also neglects the final “finished price” of what I make. Twenty jars of pesto might have use up $20 worth of homegrown basil, but twenty jars of pesto could easily cost $100—so the value is actually $100, not the $20 worth of what we grew.

Freshly-harvested vegetables.

But then there’s also the social reward. We’ve formed great connections with both neighbours over the years from using their yards and from simply being outside. We’ve had friends and family come and help us in the garden. And we’ve had a good reason to invite people over—come see our garden and stay for a barbecue.

The full garden list

Seeds we’ve ordered:

  • Beans – black
  • Beans – other
  • Beans – scarlet runner
  • Beets
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Chickpeas
  • Corn
  • Cucumbers
  • Kale
  • Parsnips
  • Peas – for canning
  • Peas – snap peas for snacking
  • Popcorn
  • Pumpkin – sugar pie
  • Pumpkin – for carving
  • Radish
  • Sunflower
  • Spinach
  • Squash – acorn
  • Squash – butternut
  • Squash – spaghetti
  • Watermelon

The seedlings we’ll buy at the greenhouse (which is subject to availability):

  • Basil
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Catnip
  • Chamomile
  • Cauliflower
  • Leeks
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Peppers – bell
  • Peppers – hot
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Tomatoes

Other things to source:

  • Garlic – we’ll replant some of last year’s harvest
  • Mushroom spawn for a mushroom bed
  • Onions
  • Potatoes – we’ll likely replant some of last year’s harvest
  • Shallots

Permaculture products—plants we already have in our garden that come up year after year:

  • Blueberries
  • Borage
  • Chives
  • Dandelions
  • Dill
  • Goji – we’ve yet to harvest anything
  • Grapes
  • Haskap Berries
  • Horseradish
  • Lilac
  • Mint
  • Mustard
  • Peonies
  • Raspberry
  • Rhubarb
  • Saskatoons
  • Strawberries

Foods we harvest from other people’s yards:

  • Apples
  • Cherries

Even with this extensive list, there’s a lot of chance and random decisions that go into gardening on this scale. Some things may not grow, some seeds and seedlings may not be available, a new seed or seedling may catch our attention, or something wild and edible might show up in our yard (which is how the mustard came about).

It’s a massive task to plan out a year’s worth of gardening, but the reward makes all the effort worth it.

3 thoughts on “Garden Update: February 2025

  1. It looks so odd seeing the snow knowing in only a few months, I’ll be out there knee deep in soil tilling and planting. I’m sure we’ll have lots of adventures for the coming year!

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