Mason Jars with Lids and Rings, quart size or smaller
11poundsCherries, Sweet or Tart, weighed before pitting
Sugar, as per preference in the instructions below
Wash, stem, and pit cherries. Tart cherries may turn brown after pitting, so they can be temporarily put in a large bowl of water with a splash of lemon juice mixed in.
Prepare syrup, as per your preference, dissolving sugar in water. This can be done on the stove, heating until fully dissolved.Very light syrup: ¾ cup sugar, 6½ cup waterLight syrup: 1½ cup sugar, 5¾ cup waterMedium syrup: 2¼ cup sugar, 5¼ cup waterHeavy syrup: 3¼ cup sugar, 5 cup waterVery heavy syrup: 4¼ cup sugar, 4¼ cup waterCherries can also be canned in water only. The National Center for Home Food Preservation recommends medium syrup for sweet cherries and heavy syrup for tart cherries.
For raw pack canning:Fill jars with cherries and syrup, leaving half-inch headspace. Debubble and add syrup if needed. Wipe jar rims with a paper towel wetted with white vinegar. Put on lids and screw rings to fingertip tightness.For hot pack canning:Add cherries to pot of syrup and bring to a boil. As soon as mixture boils, fill jars with cherries and syrup, leaving half-inch headspace. Debubble and add syrup if needed. Wipe jar rims with a paper towel wetted with white vinegar. Put on lids and screw rings to fingertip tightness.
Put jars in a water bath canner, fill with hot water until jars are submerged beneath 1-2 inches of water. Bring to a boil on the stove. Once boiling, process for the indicated time below. If at any time the water stops boiling, bring to a boil again and restart the timer.For raw pack canning (quarts or smaller):0-1,000 ft: 25 minutes1,001-3,000 ft: 30 minutes3,001-6,000 ft: 35 minutes6,001+ ft: 40 minutesFor hot pack canning (quarts):0-1,000 ft: 20 minutes1,001-3,000 ft: 25 minutes3,001-6,000 ft: 30 minutes6,001+ ft: 35 minutesFor hot pack canning (pints or smaller):0-1,000 ft: 15 minutes1,001-6,000 ft: 20 minutes6,001+ ft: 25 minutes
Remove canner from heat and let sit five minutes. Carefully using a jar lifter, remove jars from canner. Place jars on a thick towel on a counter or table overnight. In the morning, check that jars have sealed. If so, jars can be stored in a cool dark place for up to a year. If any jars have not sealed, place them in the fridge and consume promptly.