Make the brine by combining water and salt, stirring until salt is dissolved.
Place seasonings in the bottom of the fermentation vessel. See notes for some ideas for seasonings.
Tightly pack peas into the fermentation vessel and cover with brine until peas are submerged. If peas are not submerged, you may need to pack them down tighter or add more brine. Putting the fermentation weight on top may push the peas down too.
Put the weight and lid on and store in a cool, dark place to allow peas to ferment. Check daily. You should see bubbles form after a few days; this is from fermentation.
Start tasting the peas after 5-7 days and then taste daily until desired fermentation has been reached. Once done, store peas in the fridge.
Spice options:
Spicy: 1 tsp red pepper flakes and 1tsp Italian seasoning
Garlicky: 1-2 garlic cloves, sliced, and 1 tsp peppercorns
Fermentation vessel:If you don't have a fermentation vessel you can use any large jar. In place of a weight, you can use a Ziplock bag filled with water or, if it fits, a small ramekin or other small dish. In place of an airlock lid, you can use a loose-fitting lid, but you may want to vent built-up gasses once per day, even if the lid is loose-fitting.